Mimicry - screenprint size 30 x 30cm edition of 10

Mimicry - screenprint size 30 x 30cm edition of 10

‘An Inclined plane of light comes accurately through each window, purple and yellow…’ From Jacobs Room

Clouded Yellows I - screenprint monotype

Clouded Yellows I - screenprint monotype

‘The pale clouded yellows which came pelting across the orchard and up Dods Hill” From Jacobs Room

Kaleidoscope -Etching and Relief print 30 x 30cm

Kaleidoscope -Etching and Relief print 30 x 30cm

“Back came the sun, dazzlingly.

…and the butterfly box stood open.” from Jacob’s Room

Clouded Yellows II -Screenprint monoprint 30 x 30cm

Clouded Yellows II -Screenprint monoprint 30 x 30cm

The pale clouded yellows …. had zig-zagged across the purple clover. Jacob is after his butterflies as usual

From Jacob's Room

Nectar Cafe II - screenprint monoprint

Nectar Cafe II - screenprint monoprint

‘Orange and purple, nasturtium and cherry pie, were washed into the twilight.’

From Jacob’s Room

Nectar Cafe I - screen-print mono-print 30 x 30cm

Nectar Cafe I - screen-print mono-print 30 x 30cm

‘Orange and purple, nasturtium and cherry pie, were washed into the twilight.’

From Jacob’s Room